Classmate News
Yin Yeh awarded Senior Fulbright Fellowship
Yin and family are also enjoying traveling, as he reports:“(Our) post 55-Reunion activities started with a visit to Taiwan for firming up some of my projects for next trip.Upon return, I found out that I was awarded a Senior Fulbright Fellowship for that next round. This will start in October, 2012 for 6 months. ...on the Fulbright, I will be working on an aspect of the search for Alzheimer's disease origin with some of my colleagues in Taiwan. We think we have an approach that allows us to see some very interesting molecular interactions at the onset of this disease.
“The most exciting part of our current year activities thus far has been a trip to San Juan Island, WA, where wewent Orca whale watching or tracking.There is a large "resident population" of these whales in those waters of the Puget Sound. I send you the picture of one I took of whale J-38, swimming very close to our boat. We also took in the Seattle landmarks of old (Space Needle) and new (Glass Garden). The second photohas Betty with one daughter Debi and her son Matthew on top of the Space Needle.
”We are off to Europe for our second river cruise next week. One of the key point will be Venlo, where the international Floriade is taking place. Betty loves beautiful floral displays which we do not seem to have the aptitude to develop at home. We just attribute that to allergies.
”More later. Best to all.” — Yin (Click on a photo above to view full size.)
Once they were lost, now they are found
We are very happy that formerly “Lost Lions,” Ruth Ann Cummings Senseri and Thelma Lehman Seddon have been found. Ruth Ann currently resides in Chunchula, Alabama, while Thelma is nearby, in Olathe, Kansas. That leaves us with just 14 Lost Lions. Let us know if you have any knowledge of their whereabouts.
Lawrence's workout guru Don Gardner, aka Red Dog
Don Gardner cross dressing?
Say it ain’t so.
Well, OK, it’s for a good cause.
HERE for the article.
50th Wedding Anniversary
Congratulations to Yin and Elizabeth Yeh, who marked their 50th wedding on June 17, 2011. Yin then finalized his retirement from U.C. Davis, effective June 30. Yin and Elizabeth are going to celebrate with a cruise on the Danube from Vienna to Istanbul before coming to Lawrence for the reunion in September. We'll look forward to a trip report.
On the cover
Barbara Hodgson and John McGrew grace the cover of the fall issue of Lawrence Magazine, and are featured in an article called Seven over 70 which features profiles of some older Lawrencians who continue to “move and shake” in the community. HERE for the magazine article.
Book inspires John McGrew
John McGrew was so inspired by a book that he bought and distributed more than 100 copies around Lawrence, then founded the non-profit, Outside For a Better Inside. HERE for more information.
Don "Red Dog" Gardner...
...recently received national attention when the Wall Street Journal ran an article about KU's efforts to insure student athletes attend classes. Don manages the effort which was also recently noted in the AARP journal. HERE for the WSJ story.
Redefining "Assisted" Living
Raymond and Betty Redford Pippert have taken a unique step in re-defining "assisted" living. A very interesting approach to navigating the "Golden Years." Read about it HERE.
Citizen of the Years
John McGrew has received another accolade in being named the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce's "Citizen of The Years." John has been recognized for his long-time contribution to the Lawrence community via development of much of west Lawrence. HERE for the full story.
Another "Red Dog" Sighting
Kansas Magazine typically leads their issues with a feature called, Reasons We Love Kansas. Number 9 in the summer edition is titled, Blood, Sweat and Tears, which is a reference to Don Gardner's "Dog Days" free community exercise program. The article states, "Thousands show up to hear Red Dog bark through his bull horn, prodding and pushing participants to rise up and work through the pain." Let me tell you, I went to one large session and I can attest to the fact that Don barks through his bull horn while everyone else is working up a sweat. Seriously, Don is recognized throughout the state for his "Dog Days" which is serving as a blueprint for other communities.
On the Go
Ray and Betty Pippert travel in Massachusetts
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June 4, 2013 — Ray and Betty Redford Pippert recently returned from a road trip to Massachusetts, as Betty reports. “Our first stop was in Lennox, Massachusetts. The flowering trees and shrubs were at their best and breathtaking. We took several side trips, one of which was to Shelburne Falls. When the glaciers receded in this area what was left were large potholes (that's what they call them), dug out by the tumbling rocks. I've included a couple of photos that show (1) us by the falls and (2) the potholes.
“Our next week we spent at Falmouth, Massachusetts right on the beach. A bit cool for beach combing, but still a wonderful place to be. We visited Plymouth Rock again, the first time since our 25th anniversary--30 years ago. There is a photo (3) of us in of that included. We took the ferry over to Martha's Vineyard and did some lighthouse hunting. Since we do a lot of sailing, we love lighthouses because we know how important they were during the early years of navigation. It was extremely windy that day, so didn't get much accomplished. We chose to come back earlier than we had originally planned, so changed our ticket to an hour earlier. Because of this we ended up on a freight ferry — which proved to be very interesting. We had to stay in our car and the winds and waves were so rough that water was pouring over the rails of the ferry. I actually started looking for the lifeboats, which is something I rarely do!
“Our next excursion took us up the Cape Cod coast to Provincetown, where there is a monument dedicated in 1910 which commerates the history of the Mayflower pilgrims. It's the first thing one sees when entering the harbor. Raymond and I are standing in front of a bronze mural--the Pilgrim Plaque--done in relief, of the signing of the Mayflower Compact that was signed in 1620 (4). Quite an impressive size.
“We're home again, but we're looking for our next travel experience.”
Yin and Elizabeth Yeh are back in the states
June 2, 2013 — Yin and Elizabeth Yeh have returned from Taiwan after Yin’s Senior Fullbright Fellowship. Yin sends the following report:
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We have returned from the Fulbright trip in Taiwan. As indicated from my previous letter, we did have a very memory-filled weekend on the West lake of Hangzhou, my old hometown in China. Enclosed is just a glimpse of the sights of this lovely lake surroundings. In the foreground are my brother, Jen and wife Susan and we two. (Pic #1).
Our 6-months in Taiwan was lots of work AND play. I recommend this to cap off a career for sure! We learned so much about the lives of people living and working in Taiwan, their aspirations, fears and seemingly contradictory views of the future: to be Chinese or not? To be Chinese but not part of China? The Fulbright group had a session with President Ma of the ROC. Enclosed is a shot of the two of us at the famous Yang Ming Shan hot springs park (Pic #2). Steam is coming from the stream.
The people in Taiwan are extremely industrious, striving and inventing new things at work and play. Here, for recreation, they created a single plant with over 1500 Chrysanthemum blossoms all blooming at the same time (Pic #3).
I even had to use their health service, which is under their Universal Healthcare Coverage. Their boast about its success is also tempered by concerns of how to sustain it for the future.
We also had an opportunity to travel to Vietnam on Fulbright assignment. My former student from UCD, who is of Vietnam descent and a former Sloan Fellow, took extremely good care of us for a week in Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) (Pic #4), Da Nang and a beautiful seaside resort Hoi An (Pic #5). The people of Vietnam are young (average age 24), and have very high aspirations. They hope to achieve Chinese level of economy in about 30 years.
We are now back in Davis, CA and will stay nearby for a while. Please drop in when you are around the neighborhood (anywhere in Northern California).
News from the Pipperts
Dec. 22, 2012 — Ray and Betty Redford Pippert recently returned from two weeks in Cabo San Lucas, as Betty reports:
(Click on photo to see full size) We had a lovely relaxing time at the Hacienda Encantada Resort. The weather was perfect, with temperatures in the mid 80's during the day. The resort sits on a bluff overlooking the ocean, so waves were constantly pounding the rough rocks on the shore. From our room we could see the well known Cabo Arch. I've included a photo of us from one of the restaurants.
I've also included a photo of the bridge our 4 guys built here at Xanadu. They designed it, measured and cut all the wood and then set it up. The set up was at times tricky, but no one fell into the pond and they lost no tools! They are very proud of it--as we think they should be.
We leave for Florida for 6-7 weeks on December 30. We will be neighbors of Ron and Mary Pippert, Class of 1954, for the first 4 weeks.
We wish all our friends from Class of '56 a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, prosperous New Year.
Regarding the bridge, you may recall that Ray and Betty, along with three other couples have “redefined assisted living” as previously reported HERE.
Alan and Margie Coombs cruise the Mediterranean
Nov. 3, 2012 — Alan reports that in late September and early October they went on an eleven-night cruise of the Mediterranean aboard a very large cruise ship (about 1200 other passengers). They had done several river cruises (on the Yangtze, the Rhone, and the Nile) before on smaller vessels, but this was their first experience with such a large ocean liner.
They were initially attracted to the cruise as a good way to get to some places they had never visited--Palma de Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Tunis, and Monaco--but they quickly discovered that getting from place to place is only part of what such cruise ships do. They learned that just being aboard the ship and taking advantage of all the onboard activities is what attracts many people, but they felt they hardly needed the two swimming pools, six restaurants, and equal number of bars, a small basketball court and tennis court, ping pong tables, a movie theater, and a casino(!). Moreover, the shore excursions offered by the ship seemed pretty pricey.
Still, the port cities were interesting (although Tunis was scrubbed after the State Department's travel advisory in mid-September and the ship stopped in Naples instead). They got to sail through the Straits of Messina and past Mount Etna and Stromboli, saw some impressive sculptures and historical artifacts in the Archaeological Museum in Naples, took the train for a day-trip to Rome from Civitavecchia on their own (they had been to Rome in 2005 but enjoyed several hours walking around, having a beer in the Piazza Navona, and tossing coins into the Trevi Fountain), and Monte Carlo was spectacular.
So it all counted as a trip that they're glad they took and a good follow-up to their Guatemala-Honduras excursion last April.
Despite the enjoyable trip Alan says that their enthusiasm for large cruise ships is limited and they are curious about similar experiences that Alan's classmates may have had. So, if anyone else has a cruise experience to share Alan and Margie (and others) would like to hear about it.
Yin and Elizabeth Yeh in Taiwan
Nov. 3, 2012 — As you may remember, Yin Yeh was recently awarded a Senior Fulbright Felllowship. Yin issues the following report as work under the fellowship continues.
“Elizabeth and I have just started our 6 month stay here in Taiwan. Besides my daily activities at the Chang Gung University, the Fulbright people are keeping us engaged in many other cultural activities. Will report on some as they become reality shortly. Our residence here in Taiwan is called the Chang Gung Health and Cultural Village. Indeed it is both: substantially provided food and modern apartments, coupled with many activities consistent with their cultural values.
“While here, we will have a family reunion by going back to Hangzhou, China, next month to meet with my cousins. My brother, Jen, whom many of you might remember, will have his family there for this event as well. Should be great fun.”
Thanks for the report Yin, and good luck in your research. We will be looking forward a report (and photos) of your travels and cultural explorations.
Kendall Wolf reports on his trip to Washington DC
“Late this summer I went to Washington DC for a long weekend to see a formeremployee who is suffering ill health. Along with another colleague,I managed to do a bit of sight-seeing. In addition to the Capitol, the Washington Monument, and theLincoln Memorial, I saw the World War IIMemorial for the first time. It is quite large and very impressive. A wall of 4,048 stars, each of which represents 100 dead or missing, exemplifies thetremendous sacrifice the people of our parents’ generation made. Finally, the Viet Nam Memorial remains as stark and sobering as I recall it from my first viewing. Though this was my 4th or 5th visit to our nation’s capitol all my visits have been day trips, mostly while on business, so much remains to be seen. A definite ‘go back.’” (Click on photo below to view full size.)
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Yin and Betty Yeh enjoy a Rhine River cruise
As Yin reports ....
Elizabeth (Betty) and I have just returned from our second river cruise in Europe. We had fun this time on the western Europe side, visiting Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and finally ending up in Prague for a return visit there. Have thousand of photos (thanks to the digital camera). Here are four to represent our target destinations (click on photo below to view full size):
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Atomium Expo in Brussels. |
International Floriade in Venlo, NE. |
Castle on the Rhine. |
Wine tasting in a palace. |
Wolfs enjoy Smith’s hospitality
Kendall and Julie Wolf recently returned from a delightful and relaxing visit to Stuart and Anita Smith at their cabin near Lutsen on Minnesota’s north shore of Lake Superior. As Kendall reports: Julie and I
always enjoy the tranquility of the north shore. Though we manage to stay busy with Stuart and Anita, Julie finds this time to be the most relaxing and stress-reducing vacation she’s ever experienced. We searched for agates on the beach, shopped in Grand Marais, attended a craft fair at Hovland, enjoyed a magnificent brunch at the historic Naniboujou Lodge, and discovered a new sight (for us) at Ouimet Canyon north and east of Thunder Bay, Ontario. As an added attraction we also had dinner with an old friend from my time in Houston who owns a summer home not far from the Smiths. Stuart and Anita were, again, the perfect hosts. The cherry on the top of this trip, was our stop at my son’s house in Cottage Grove, Minn., where we once again enjoyed the city’s fireworks display from my son’s backyard. Though Minnesota was unseasonably warm it didn’t compare to the 109 degrees I experienced in our courtyard as I watered plants on the day of our return.
(Click on a photo above to view full size.)
The Coombs travel in Central America
May 20, 2012 — Alan and Margie Coombs recently enjoyed a Central America jaunt. As Alan reports:
In mid-April, Margie and I flew to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where we spent three days driving across "Alligator Alley" to Fort Myers and Sanibel Island before returning to southeast Florida to fly out of Miami on a pre-scheduled trip to Guatemala and Honduras.
The tour was with an outfit we've traveled with multiple times, "smarTours," and with a tour director who has been at it long enough to have her own "by invitation only" tours — which tends to eliminate the people who are chronically late to the bus or who are just plain obnoxious. Anyway, we spent ten days touring ancient Mayan ruins in two countries, climbing hundreds of steps up and down, observing Guatemala's beauty and extreme poverty, and generally becoming acquainted with a couple of countries we had not visited before.
It was both informative and exhausting and falls into the category of "we're glad we did it and glad we don't have to do it again." So for the time being we're back in Salt Lake City and happy to sleep in our own beds. (Click on a photo to enlarge)
Raymond and Betty Pippert sure know how to spend the winter
Feb. 5, 2012 — They’ve been basking in tropical climes since November (with a holiday break back home), and now won’t get back home until mid-February. As they report:
“We spent 2 weeks in Puerto Rico in November, and on December 27 we left for Florida. We spent a week at Daytona Beach vegging out on the wide beach. We didn't know you could drive along that beach for miles and miles. The drive has stop signs and signs that tell where you can drive. Pretty cool. Then we headed to Orlando for three weeks. We toured NASA and took a helicopter ride as well as vegging out at the pool and trying new restaurants. We are now in Treasure Island, just north of St. Pete Beach. We will rendezvous with Ron and Mary Pippert and a couple of other LHS alumnis, Margie and Nita (formerly Cleveland). We'll be here for a couple of weeks then head over to St. Augustine to do the tourist thing for a couple of days, drive up to Ashville for several days and head for home.
“The weather in Florida has really been fantastic – much better than the 5 inches of snow in Indiana with 7 degree temps!!”
Wolfs take trip to Balloon Fiesta and the Great Sand Dunes National Park

Kendall and Julie Wolf recently returned from a trip to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta and the Great Sand Dunes National Park. According to Kendall, “we had a great time, and the weather at the Balloon Fiesta was absolutely perfect. The prevailing breezes caused the famed “Albuquerque Box” to work perfectly, allowing the balloons to fly south at a lower altitude, then return north over the balloon field at a higher altitude. As usual, the spectacle of hundreds of balloons in the air was breathtaking. A world’s record was set on Saturday, Oct. 1 when 346 balloons were launched in one hour.
The weather “turned south” a little bit at the sand dunes. We awoke to a bit of snow and cold winds. The weather only served to enhance the experience, and, besides, it turned pretty nice before we left. Between the Balloon Fiesta and the sand dunes we enjoyed a trip to the top of Sandia Peak via the world’s longest tramway, visited the Salinas Pueblo Mission ruins (dating from the 1600s), Santa Fe, and the quaint village of Chimayo, N.M. All in all, a great trip.” (Click on a photo above to view full size photo with caption)
Ray and Marsha Goff's Excellent October Colorado Adventure
Timing is everything! Our spontaneous October trip to Rocky Mountain National Park AND driving straight through from Lawrence (ele. 860) to Grand Lake (ele. 8,437) were not our best ideas. Add a little snow and Ray, suffering a vicious high altitude headache, was not a happy camper.
He's not a big fan of snow anywhere, but he especially hates snow in the mountains. I learned that one long-ago July when we spent several days at a Winter Park ski lodge. When I casually mentioned, "I'd like to see these mountains with snow on them," Ray's reply was swift, "Then buy a postcard."
We drove out on Wednesday a week ago, saw a bunch of elk up close and personal and the distant backside of a moose on Thursday and drove home on Friday. Our fast exit was prompted by the snow that fell on Thursday, causing 34 accidents up on the mountain before Trail Ridge Road was closed, and the forecast of more snow on Friday.
And guess what? We still had a good time!
Traveling in France
Larry and Cathy Nieder Dunlap were recently in France, and Cathy shares the following:
“We spent 4 days in Normandy in early September remembering our Veterans and their enormous sacrifices. The waters at Omaha Beach were very calm the day we were there, however, looking at the bluffs our guys had to get over we were struck with the enormity of the Operation. Those who made it ashore had no protection from the artillery coming at them. Tanks that were to protect them had gone down in the rough waters. At least 2200 of our young men died. Yet at the end of the day they owned the beach and by the next day had advanced inland to join the other armies. I can't imagine the courage it took to continue on.”
Editorial comment: It is especially sobering to consider that these boys were our fathers and uncles who, at the time, were younger than many of our grandchildren are today. God bless all the men and women serving in our armed services.
Following the Danube
Yin and Elizabeth Yeh have recently returned from their 50th anniversary/retirement trip. As Yin reports:
“We just returned from our Eastern European trip (8/11). This was one we decided to be exploring lands we had not touched during our careers. We visited Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, several of the Balken countries, and the Czech, Slovakia combination, finishing in our old grounds of Vienna, Austria. The common geographic theme is the Danube River, but we found out that multiple rulers in these lands over the years have created some of the most diverse architecture and people.We were treated to a Jewish synagogue built to Catholic specs. Then there is a Christian church within a Mosque, facing the Mecca. Finally there are Christian symbols all over the sacred Blue Mosque in Istanbul.
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Charles Bridge, Prague |
Hero’s Square, Budapest |
Bosphorus Sea, Istanbul |
“Since these states have been so occupied by the Romans, Monguls, Ottomans, and the Austrian-Hungarian empires as well as the Soviet influence, their cultures are very diverse, but each is a very proud people, wanting the sense of independence as a nation. Those royalties definitely spread their influence via marriages and building of their palaces/villa. The artists and musicians are certainly attracted to this region by the beauty of scenery as well as the diversity of cultures.
”I am still trying to sort out the nearly 1000 photos taken on this trip.” (Click on photos to enlarge.)
Bob and Lillian Lockwood Take Trip Through Six States
Bob and Lillian Lockwood, and German Shepherd Buddy, took a road trip vacation in June through 6 states, with the final destination in the Smokey Mountains in North Carolina. The weather was perfect, the wildlife plentiful, the views spectacular, the hiking trails challenging, and the relaxation superb. Crossed six major rivers, all very full (Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Ohio). Stopped at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, the Ft Donelson National Battle Field, Tennessee, Dollywood and awesome downtowns of Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, Tenessee, and the heavy traffic in St Louis, Nashville, and Knoxville.
Click on photos to enlarge.
Wolfs Travel to London and Paris
Kendall and Julie Wolf recently returned after 2 weeks in London and Paris. As Kendall reports, "Though I used to travel in Europe on business, I had only short periods for sight-seeing and Julie had never been, so we decided last year on a European trip this year. We elected to spend 9 nights in London and 4 nights in Paris. Obviously, that kind of schedule gives short shrift to both. While in London, we tried to see as much as possible, including Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, the British Museum, the Tate Modern, St. Paul's Cathedral, and, for Julie, Abbey Road and the Abbey Road Studios.
We took three different day trips from London. First, to Leeds Castle, Canterbury, Dover, and Greenwich, capped by a short "cruise" on the Thames. Leeds, surrounded by a moat and beautiful grounds, is reputed to be the most beautiful castle in England. It was privately owned until 1974 by the granddaughter of a former U.S. Secretary of the Navy, William C. Whitney.
Another trip took us to the Cotswalds, an area that comprises much of what is "prototypical Britain;" quaint villages, thatched roofs, beautiful countryside, and a delightful pub where we enjoyed lunch (and a beer). Included was a stop at Stratford-Upon-Avon, and a visit to a house where Shakespeare once lived.
Our other trip was to Stonehenge and Bath. Going to Stonehenge, mysterious as it is, revealed little that one doesn't get from the iconic photos that everyone has seen, or one of the many documentaries filmed at the site. Bath, on the other hand was all that I expected, and more. The Roman Baths are very interesting, but most enjoyable to me was exploring the streets of the town.
In between tourists sites and day trips, we put scores of miles on our shoes, walking the streets of London, with a few stops at pubs, perhaps the greatest invention out of Britain.
At the end of our stay in London, we took the train, under the English Channel, to Paris. This was a very nice trip. The train was quiet, smooth, fast, and lacked the hassle of air travel.
Shoe leather suffered even more in Paris. Our apartment was very conveniently situated in walking distance of the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Champs des Elysee, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Eiffel Tower.
We waited in line during a light rain for nearly an hour to enter the Louvre. The Mona Lisa is the most sought art work in the museum, and it was a physical battle to get close enough to get a good view. This is in stark contrast to my visit in 1975 when I estimate there were less than a dozen people nearby when I viewed it. Nevertheless, it was the Louvre....
We expected to ascend the Eiffel Tower, but the crowds and threat of severe weather gave us second thoughts, and we enjoyed the experience from the ground.
A highlight for me was a trip to Versailles, where we enjoyed a walk through the gardens, before touring the palace itself. The Hall of Mirrors was worth the price of admission by itself.
Though time seemed short, there is too much to report, and I fear I've rambled too long already."
Will Miss Reunion
Janet Jackson Nicholson wrote that she and her husband, John, will be vacationing in Colorado at reunion time, so won't be able to attend. (Yes, she knows that Colorado is almost to Kansas, but there's just no way to make it to Lawrence.) Janet notes that they have survived two cataract surgeries, and that she underwent surgery for Dupuytren's syndrom last January. All surgeries were successful, and both are hale and hearty. Last August, Janet and John took a cruise to Alaska in celebration of their 50th anniversary. Janet said, "It was a great experience and we really enjoyed seeing all the different destinations, glaciers, and wildlife." (Personal aside. I envy you, Janet, an Alaskan cruise is on my bucket list.)
Janet continues to enjoy her watercolor painting groups and shows. She claims it keeps her out of trouble.
Everything but a Mountain Lion
Stuart Smith, with wife, Anita, recently spent a couple of days with Kendall and Julie Wolf, as they visited Stuart's mother while on their way to their summer home on Lake Superior near Lutsen, Minn. via Yellowstone NP and environs. Stuart proclaimed the Buffalo Bill museum in Cody, Wyo. one of the best that he's ever seen. They encountered heavy snow in Yellowstone, but that didn't inhibit the wildlife, as Stuart said they saw "everything but a mountain lion." They're now comfortable in their cabin, and going to sleep every night with the sound of the waves lapping at the shore.
Trip to DC a Family Tradition
Cathy Neider Dunlap and husband, Larry, have found a way to spend some quality one-on-one time with grandchildren. Here's Cathy's report:
It has become a tradition to take a 6th grade grandchild to Washington, DC. Two years ago we took Ellie, the oldest. She loved it and we hoped, Amelia, the next, would feel the same. There were some things that we did the first time that we would not do again. One was taking a boat tour to Mount Vernon. It took the whole day and was, generally, wasted time. This year we also added a day, spending 6 days there instead of 5. We did not rent a car. Parking was $40 a day.
We stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn, a couple of blocks from the White House and across from a Metro station. A favorite restaurant, Potenza, is just around the corner. We had Senator Moran's office set up all of our visits to; the White House, Capitol, Library of Congress, Supreme Court, and National Archives. Next time we will have some questions ready for the White House visit. The Blue Room, the Red Room, the Green Room, etc. were all nice but we never learned their significance.
We took a Gray Line tour to Mount Vernon/ Arlington Cemetery. t was excellent. We also got on the Hop-On/Hop Off tour bus for a couple of days. Getting around on the Metro was very easy, except sometimes the station was farther than I wanted to walk. We bought 3 $20 passes, which lasted us the whole time. Taking the Metro to and from the Reagan National Airport was easy.
We lined up at the Washington Memorial at 7:30 a.m. to get the free passes. We were able to get a 10:30 spot. They were all given out by 9 a.m. This time we went in May instead of June. The weather was perfect. If you haven't been there. Please make it a priority. We look forward to taking Luke in two years.
Unfortunately, it seems that our reunion is in conflict with Larry's, and Cathy has already invited house guests for that time. So, we won't see Cathy this reunion. Perhaps the 60th?
Egypt Calls
Egypt called Ed Schwartz, and his wife, Ruth, last November. They traveled with a small group and were able to visit schools, farms, businesses and were able to talk openly about politics and economics. As expected, they loved going down the Nile, marveling at how the pyramids were constructed over 5000 years ago. At no time, Ed reports, did they sense the tension and unrest that manifested shortly after they left.
Christmas in Holland
Will and Ruthie Pippert Owens spent some quality time with grandchildren in the Netherlands over the past Christmas. In Ruthie's words:
Our son Michael was on Sabbatical this past year teaching and learning from Doctors in Amsterdam as well as sharing information with Doctors in his specialty in France, Germany, and Belgium. Will and I have been in Europe in the Summer and Spring but never around Christmastime until now. It was a delightful time to be there with our son and his family. We had fun seeing our three little grandchildren engaged in the native custom of welcoming Sinter Klaas from Spain on a boat with his ever watching Peds. The costumed Peds were everywhere in museums, restaurants, on the streets, store and even our homes — we know because of all the special Ped cookies and cakes strewn about and overturned furniture on several occasions. But Sinter Klaas likes to be home in Spain for his birthday so leaves the Netherlands the same time each year. On the night before Sinter Klaas left after his two week visit he learned from his eyes and ears the Peds if the boys and girls had been good or bad. He came into our home through windows and thank goodness left the children lovely gifts instead of coal and sticks in the childrens shoes like many artists showed in the museums. Magically, the whole town that went all out for Sinter Klaas was transformed almost overnight into a beautiful city ready for Christmas with Santas, Christmas Trees, and bright lights everywhere! The Christmas Markets are so popular there as in many other parts of Europe bringing lots of cruises and tours that time of year. It was simply gorgeous in Amsterdam with all 1000 bridges over the 100 canals outlined with Christmas lights and reflecting in the water. The Plazas or Squares as they call them were certainly gathering places with their highly decorated wooden chalets serving hot Belgium Chocolate, fancy pastries, and freshly made waffles and donuts.
The Netherlands like much of Europe takes one back in time and its quaint Architecture and culture is well preserved. The Museums are fabulous, especially the famous Rijks, Van Gogh, and Anne Franks House that are well worth spending time in. Will and I baby-sat while Michael took his wife Robin to Paris for some R&R and we loved taking and picking up the oldest grandchild to International School and the middle one to preschool. Robin took all three on her bike with a large cart in front. Michael who loved being home with the family so much of the time took the two to school on his bike, but I was not confident enough to maneuver around on all the bridges and dodging all the cars and hundreds of other bikes with such precious cargo so I used the tram. The schools are amazing and teach World History in second grade that we learn in the US in High School. That left a lot of quality time with the two year old riding the canals in boats and visiting the unique toy stores where nothing needs a battery! We visited working windmills in the countryside where they still make chalk, cheese, and paint, we took train rides with the family, and spent time in many neighborhood pubs with cozy fireplaces. Although we has some snow when all the swans gathered where there was no ice on the canals, the weather was surprisingly nice with only one rainy day and lots of warm sunshine by 10 each morning. As our kids left for Switzerland to ski the Alps (even the 7 year old skied the blacks), Will and I left for sunny, warm Spain with its Palm trees.
Now we will be leaving soon for our summer home in Portland, Oregon since the kids are back in the USA. We spend a lot of time there to be close to the grandchildren and it is a beautiful place to be as Portland is only an hour away from the Pacific Ocean and an hour away from the Cascade Mountains. Not a bad way to spend a summer!
We're counting on Ruthie and Will to find time to attend the reunion in September, and we're sure they will.
Family Members Visit from Korea
Enice Foster Lee and husband, Ho Soo, had planned a trip to Korea early this year, but their family members all came to the U.S. instead. They had a wonderful visit, and the Korean visitors also had a chance to visit friends in Texas and California as well. I imagine it is difficult to have family so far away, but Eunice is thankful for all the modern technology as they can talk to and see the family member even though they are thousands of miles away. She reports that they are considering a trip to South Korea in February of 2012, but it's just in the discussion stage at this time.
West Coast Trip
David Paul and his wife, Susan, took a trip to San Diego to visit a cousin. After enjoying the sights of SD, they went "to the Napa wine country and were also mightily impressed there. It is remarkably beautiful and, of course, the wineries are plentiful, way more than we had imaginedmost of which we had never heard of...we went wine tasting at as many vineyards as we had time for in the three days we were there and I can safely say I was tasted out by the time we finished ... after a while, they all begin to taste the same and the whole adventure just loses its appeal. At least it did for us; we're just not oenophile enough to appreciate the complexities of the wine industry. Two-buck Chuck works for us. After Napa, Susan and I went to Yosemite National Park for a couple of days. All I can say about Yosemite is WOW! You just can't take enough pictures to capture the grandeur of the place. Yeah, I know; Ansel Adams gave it his best shot and did a marvelous job, but ya gotta be there. It truly is breath-taking."