What's Happening:
Classmate News

June 23, 2024 — We express our sincere condolences to Charlotte Bayne Barnhart Malott and her family for the loss of her husband, Joel Malott, who died on May 16, 2024. Charlotte is abiding by his wishes to not have a published obituary or a funeral service. HERE for notice of his death. 

May 15, 2024 — We extend our sincere condolences to Delores Dunn Hubach for the loss of her son Duane. HERE for his obituary. 

Jan.26, 2024 — We extend our deepest sympathy to Daryl Beene for the loss of his wife, Debbie. We also extend condolences to their son and his family. Her Celebration of Life is Sunday, Feb. 4, from 2 to 5 p.m at the Doubletree in Lawrence. HERE for her obituary.

Sept. 17, 2021 — Our sincere condolences to Barbara Lesch Butell for the loss of her husband, Jim. HERE for his obituary.

July 27, 2021 — We wish to express our sincere condolences to our webmaster Ruth Huumphrey for the loss of her brother Fred Bramble, an LHS Class of 1961 graduate, who died on July 11. HERE for his obituary.

July 11, 2021 — Our condolences to Fred Deay who lost his son Fred II on May 28, 2021. You may read his obituary HERE.

March 2, 2021 — Mary Alice James, widow of classmate Larry James who died nine months ago, passed away on Feb. 13. HERE for her obituary.

March 2, 2021 — Our sincere condolences to Roger Wagner for the loss of his wife Judy on Feb. 9. HERE for her obituary. 

Jan. 7, 2020  — We express our deepest sympathy to Frances Ritchie Summers and her family for the loss of her husband Gary Oliver Summers. HERE for obituary.

Aug. 25, 2019  — Our deepest sympathy to Ed and Ruth Schwartz in the death of their daughter Jill on June 18, 2019. HERE for a link to Jill's obituary.

Aug. 13, 2019  — Our condolences go to condolences to Alan Coombs in the death of his wife, Margie. HERE for her obituary.

June 7, 2019  An EF-4 tornado struck rural Lawrence on May 28. HERE for the story.

May 20, 2019 — Friends celebrated the life of Barbara Hodgson on Saturday, April 27, at Brandon Wood’s Smith Center. John McGrew passed the microphone around the room while his wife Rita took photos. HERE for more about the celebration.

Jan. 24, 2019 — Centron featured people you know in their films

Jan. 21, 2019 — Celebrating John McGrew’s milestone birthday. HERE for the story.

Dec. 17, 2018 — Our condolences to Blossom Frakes Swanson Laing for the loss of her husband, Dick Laing. Blossom and Dick dated in high school and found each other again after the death of their respective spouses. They enjoyed eight years of marriage.  HERE is the link for his obituary.

Nov. 9, 2018 — New Honor for John McGrew

Nov. 6, 2018 — Special Party for Our Homecoming Queen Barbara Hodgson

Oct. 18, 2018 — "When Cars Ruled Mass" by Marsha Henry Goff

August 13, 2018 — Lockwood Family Celebrates Bob's 80th

August 12, 2018 — The story of the Leary family homestead.

July 31, 2018 — Our condolences go to our classmate, Doris Bamber Zehe-Swank, who lost her husband, Donald, June 25, 2018, at Liberty Hospital in Liberty, Missouri. See his obituary HERE.

April 23, 2018 — Marsha Henry Goff's story accepted for "Chicken Soup for the Soul"

Oct. 16, 2017 — McGrew-Lindsey Marriage

September 25, 2017 — Another Elvis sighting at the Blue Hawaii Fundraiser for Guardian Angel Fund

Oct. 3, 2017 — Despite her diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome, Carol Norris Vincent took a grueling hike to the floor of the Grand Canyon and an even more grueling climb back to the top. You may read about her Grand Canyon adventure by clicking HERE. To read about her experience with polio and an iron lung as an eight-year-old child, click HERE.

Sept. 2, 2017 — Martha Saunders Skeet donated stem cells to her brother in 2000.

Aug. 22, 2017 — Alice Rurode Medina: Quilting is Her Art

Aug. 22, 2017 — John McGrew: Outside for a Better Inside

May 9, 2017 — Ten Years of "There's No Place Like Home" Fundraiser

April 18, 2017 — Bob Bee’s Miniature Soldiers

April 17, 2017 — A Lawrence Institution: Don “Red Dog” Gardner and His Dog Days Exercise Program

Feb. 23, 2017 — A Belated 60th Reunion Wrap-up by Marsha Hery Goff

Jan. 24, 2017 — Condolences to Nancy Clifton Kampschroeder in the death of her husband, Errol Joe Kampschroeder. HERE for his obituary.

Dec. 24, 2016 — HERE for Christmas letter from Yin Yeh.

Aug. 9, 2016 — Marsha Henry Goff has written a new book titled "Sharing Lessons Learned from the Wrong Side of the Stethoscope". HERE for an article about her book.

Aug. 8, 2016 — "Elvis" makes an appearance at the annual fundraiser for the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging’s “There’s No Place Like Home”. HERE for story and photos.

July 19, 2016 — Barbara Hodgson,
everyone’s favorite Homecoming bobandbarbQueen, was honored on February 2nd with a surprise birthday party attended by a large group of friends...HERE for story and photos.


Condolences to classmates who have lost spouses or close relatives are listed on the "In Memoriam" page.

If you have information for "What's Happening" please send via email to Marsha Henry Goff at mhgink@gmail.com.

Christmas Letters

Jan. 8 2025 — From Yin and Betty (Liz) Yen: At our age, travel often has to deal with the possibility of needing special care along the way. It becomes especially true for foreign trips. Fortunately, our reliable and trusty travel agent was able to put one together such that we had relatively few missteps.

HERE for their letter.


In Memoriam

Judy Allen Morris 1938-2022

Nov. 28, 2022 — We are saddened to report the death of classmate Judy Allen Morris. HERE is a link to her obituary.

Allan Robb 1938-2020

November 2022 — We are saddened to report the death of Allan Robb in September of 2020. HERE for his obituary.

William "Bill" Ray 1938-2022

July 18,2022 — passed away peacefully at his home on June 15, 2022. We express our sincere sympathy to Sharon Ray and her family. HERE for his obituary.

Galen H. White 1938-2022

Jan. 18, 2022 — We are saddened to report the death of Galen White, and extend our condolences to his family.
for his obituary.

Raymond A. Goff 1938-2021

Dec. 3, 2021 — Marsha Henry Goff: Last Tuesday, I lost the man that I have loved since he was a 14-year-old boy. He was truly the wind beneath my wings and I feel that I may never fly again. To those who have endured such a loss, I am sorry; to those who have not, I hope you never will. Continued HERE

Mary Corel Rogers 1937-2021

Sept. 3, 2021 — Our condolences to the family of classmate Mary Corel Rogers whose memorial visitation was Friday, Sept. 3. HERE for her obituary.

Daniel Grover 1938-2021

Sept 1, 2021 — From Bob Lockwood. I got the call at 8:14 a.m., Aug. 1, from Jeff Grover, Dan’s oldest son. Danny Grover had passed away. I was prepared for the finality, but I kept believing that Dan would somehow overcome the serious health conditions that had stricken him. Continued HERE.

What's Happening:
On the Go

Oct. 9, 2019  — From Yin Yeh Betty and I just returned from something that was always a desire of hers: To do a safari! At our age? Anyway, we did it, and with significant success, by our own standards. HERE for the story and photos.

Feb. 8, 2019 — From Betty Pippert:

Above are Betty and Raymond Pippert with Raymond"s cousin Ron and Mary Pippert (class of '54). HERE for the Betty's account f their trip to Cuba.

Nov. 6, 2018 — Dan Grover has moved from Lawrence to an independent living complex in Tulsa, Oklahoma to be near his children and many grandchildren. His address is 8887 S. Lewis Avenue, Apartment #411, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74137. Danny's new phone number is 918-845-8877. He has made many new friends, reconnected with old friends and seems very happy in his new surroundings.

Oct. 18, 2018 — Yin and Betty Yeh, along with their daughter and grandson, took a short trip to Alaska where they visited an ice carving museum (see photo above). HERE for more about their adventure.

April 23, 2018 — From YIn and Elizabeth Yeh Our trip this year took us to the French Polynesia (better known as Tahiti and Bora Bora) and the Great Barrier Reefs. Flying to Tahiti is an adventure in time travel! We start on Monday; the midway stop in Auckland is Wednesday; then we double back to Tuesday when landing in Papeete, Tahiti. HERE for Yin's report.

Oct. 6, 2017 —

Will and Ruth Ann Pippert Owens recently spent time with John and Rita McGrew in Oregon! HERE for photos of the visit.

Sept. 2, 2017 —
for Kendall Wolf's photos of the eclipse.

April 18, 2017 —

Yin Yeh: Our winter 2017 trip took us to Southeast Asia. Starting point and ending point are Taipei and Singapore....

Aug. 10, 2016 — Stu Smith sends photos from his recent travels.

Aug. 8, 2016 — Ralph Leary and Leila Leary are snowbirds. HERE for their post.


Class Facebook Page

Sept. 30, 2016 — Join the Class of '56's Facebook page to view streaming video of the 60th reunion event on Saturday evening. HERE for more information.


We want your news!

July 19, 2016 — Thanks to the talent and generous efforts of Ruth Bramble Humphrey (LHS 1959), we are updating our website in preparation for our upcoming reunion. We’re pretty sure that most of our classmates are going places and doing things that we’d be interested in reading about. Please send your news and photos to Marsha Henry Goff at mhgink@gmail.com.

Do you have a website? If so, send us the URL and we’ll link to it so your classmates can visit and see what you’re up to.

My website is www.jestforgrins.com. When my writing career took a different path, I missed penning my Jest for Grins newspaper column so much that I started a website to write about the funny things life sends my way. It seems to send a lot!
— Marsha Henry Goff


Lost Lions

Updated: Sept. 27, 2016 — Can you help us find these “Lost Lions?” If you know their whereabouts or their e-mail address, please pass that information on to Marsha Henry Goff at mhgink@gmail.com.

Class of '56 News

Feb 11, 2025 — Fifteen of our classmates met at Johnny’s North for lunch on Saturday, February 8, and had such a good time that we decided to do this every three months.

We were happy to welcome Cathy Nieder Dunlap back to Lawrence and to our luncheon group. Bob Lockwood had the presence of mind to ask our waitress to snap this photo.

In case you don’t recognize us in our golden years, we are, beginning at front left clockwise around the table: Don Gardner, Herb Baker, Cathy Nieder Dunlap, Marsha Henry Goff, Judy Jackman Warren, Julie Harner Hammond, Wanda Kampschroeder Whaley, Kennith Whaley, Rita McGrew, John McGrew, Fred Deay, Bob Lockwood, Ralph Leary, Jerry Cunningham, and Beverly Gardner

Any classmate and spouse is welcome to attend. If you live out of town or state and are visiting Lawrence, let us know and we’ll try to get a luncheon together for you. Our LHS Class of 1956 always was and continues to be special!


Yin's Travel News

Jan. 9, 2025 — At our age, travel often has to deal with the possibility of needing special care along the way. It becomes especially true for foreign trips. Fortunately, our reliable and trusty travel agent was able to put one together such that we had relatively few missteps.

Betty and I took our second Rhine River cruise (end of September). This time it was from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Basal. Switzerland. Our trip started with a few days in Berlin and Potsdam and ended in Lucerne, within the Swiss Alps.

HERE for the full letter.



We are saddened to announce the deaths of classmates Gary Thomas and Marilyn Graham Phares and send our deepest condolences to their families.

Marilyn Clare Graham Phares 1938-2024

Jan. 8 2025 — Marilyn Clare Graham Phares of Nebraska City, NE passed away Dec. 27, 2024 at CHI St. Mary’s Hospital in Nebraska City. 

HERE for her obituary.





Gary Lee Thomas 1938-2024

Jan. 8 2025 — Gary Lee Thomas, 86, passed away peacefully in his sleep on Dec. 22, 2024 on the “Memory Care” unit at Homestead Assisted Living Facility in Eudora, KS. 

HERE for his obituary.





Carole Norris Vincent 1936-2024

We express our sympathy to the family of our classmate Carole Norris Vincent who passed away on June 22, 2024. Your may see her obituary HERE.

Some of you may not know that Carol had polio as a child and had post-polio syndrome as an older adult. I found this 2018 TV interview of her speaking about her experience. I remember her once telling me that she was in an iron lung. You may watch that interview HERE



Yin & Betty's Aurora Borealis adventure

May 1 2024 — Yin and Betty Yeh, our intrepid travelers who take us vicariously along on their exciting adventures, have on their third try not only experienced the Aurora Borealis, they (with the help of their grandson) captured the beauty of the Northern Lights in photographs. Please enjoy Yin's article and the beautiful pictures that accompany it. Many thanks to you, Yin!  —Marsha

HERE for Yin's letter and grandson Tylor's photos.




Mulford Eugene Gentry 1937-2024

Feb. 7, 2024 — We are saddened to announce the death of classmate Gene Gentry and extend our deepest condolences to his family.

You may read his obituary HERE.








The House That Love Built

Feb. 1, 2024 — At our last class luncheon with Harry Miller, I learned that Kennith and Wanda Whaley built their home from lumber removed from houses (one of which was Wanda's parents' home) and a barn that were sacrificed for Clinton Lake. It is a beautiful story and I am so pleased I had the opportunity to write and photograph it for Amazing Aging. I hope you enjoy reading "The House that Love Built." HERE for the story.  —  Marsha



Doreta Patterson Boyd 1938-2023

We extend our sincere condolences to the family of Doreta Patterson Boyd who died on December 27, 2023.

Please click HERE for her obituary. 






Mary Harrison Bunce Baxter 1938-2023

Our sincere condolences to the family of Mary Harrison Bunce Baxter who died on September 18, 2023.

Please see her obituary HERE.






Mary Woodhead Finney 1938-2023

We are sad to announce the death of Mary Woodhead Finney on September 7, 2023 and send our condolences to her family.

HERE for her obituary.







Rosie the Riveter meets Elvis

Marsha Henry Goff

August 15, 2023 — Yesterday, Bob Lockwood,our friend and classmate, and I went to the home in rural Topeka of Katie Sherrow, 102, and Pat Martin, 91. Bob, who is a talented Elvis tribute artist, serenaded these two energetic and appreciative ladies for more than an hour, presented them with "Elvis" scarves and one of his CDs. He was casual Elvis yesterday, sans wig and sideburns, wearing a puffy shirt, flared pants and white boots, but they absolutely loved his living-room performance and occasionally sang along with him.

It was a long-delayed performance. Initially, Ray and I had planned a big 100th birthday party for Katie. We rented a venue that would accommodate 120 guests and Bob had agreed to perform in full Elvis regalia with his live band. Invitations were ready to be mailed and then Covid reared its ugly head and shut everything down. Bob has heard so much about the ladies and has been anxious to meet them so yesterday we made it happen ... finally.

Ray and I were fortunate to meet Katie and Pat when I was commissioned to write a magazine article about Katie, who was a Rosie the Riveter during WWII. Katie and Pat are hard-workers taking care of 12+ acres (Katie mows with a John Deer riding mower and Pat with a Ford N tractor), kind and sharp as tacks. I hope they live forever!



Donald Lane Acher 1936-2022

June 6, 2023 — We are saddened to report that Donnie Acher died in 2022 and send our deepest condolences to his family.

HERE for his obituary.




John "Buddy" Bookwalter 1939-2023

We are saddened to report the recent death of Buddy Bookwalter and extend our deepest sympathy to Beverly and their children.

HERE for his obituary.





Recently Found Classmate Deaths

We are grateful to Mary Tatham Rector who informed us about three classmate deaths of which we were unaware. Our belated sympathies to each of their families.

If you are aware of deaths of classmates we have not reported, please do inform us. You may email Marsha at mhgink@gmail.com.

I could not find an obituary for Ronnie Kunkle but he died in 2010 or 2011 in North Las Vegas, Nevada.




Patrick Wynne died in Maryville, Missouri in 2013. HERE for his obituary.





Reda Glenice Harmon Snodgrass died in Eudora, Kansas in 2021. HERE for her obituary.






Ralph Leary: Crafting beautiful memories in wood

By Marsha Henry Goff

Feb 28, 2023 — Ralph Leary is a farm boy who began farming at 13 years of age. Why is that important to a wizard in woodworking? Because farm boys are accustomed to working and do not seem to know how to quit. He farmed with his late brother Norman for 61 years. From 1996 until 2006, in addition to farming, the brothers built houses on their land. During the winter from the time the crops were planted until harvesting, they worked on the houses, doing almost all the work themselves with a few exceptions like concrete work, plumbing and sheetrocking. “We always worked six days a week,” Ralph notes, “and sometimes seven days a week.”

HERE for full article from the Winter 2023 edition of Amazing Aging!


Delores Husted Kilburn December 30, 2022

Jan. 22, 2023 — Many of you will temember Delores Husted Kilburn who was a classmate of ours. We regret to announce her death. HERE for her obituary.


Nancy Joy Clifton Kampschroeder 1938-2023

Jan. 17, 2023 — We are sad to announce the death of classmate Nancy Joy Clifton Kampschroeder and express our sympathy to her family.

See her obituary HERE.





Our “66 for ’56” Reunion Report

By Marsha Henry Goff

Marsha Henry Goff and Hilda Poort. Photo by Jon Poort

Dec. 8, 2022 — Covid might have delayed our 65th reunion for a year, but it couldn’t keep us from having fun at our “66 for 56 Reunion”! The only thing we forgot was to designate someone to take photos. Our bad! Consequently, we are especially grateful to Fred Deay and Stu and Anita Smith for pictures from Friday night’s get together at Johnny’s Tavern and to Jon Poort for taking the photos Hilda asked him to take with her friends and to Shirley Freeman (Larry’s wife) for the videos she filmed with her new and unfamiliar phone at the Double Tree by Hilton hotel. Lillian Lockwood (Bob’s wife) also provided us with a couple of photos. If you took photos or videos at either event, please share them with us.

Some classmates came a long distance: Buddy and Beverly Bookwalter from California; Stu and Anita Smith from Georgia by way of Minnesota; Alan Coombs and his son from Utah; Jean Miller

Allan Coombs and his son James.
Photo by Fred Deay

Lanny Snodgrass, Bob Lockwood, and Brian Cooper. Photo by Lillian Lockwood

Pavela from Pennsylvania; Larry and Shirley Freeman from Oregon; and Raymond and Betty Redford Pippert from Indiana. Bob Snodgrass couldn’t make the trip but he was ably represented by his brother, Dr. Lanny Snodgrass from Washington, and his sister Mary Beth Harmon. Most of the other attendees came from Kansas and Missouri.

Joanne Carney Connell, Sue Squires Midyett, Juie Harner Hammond, Lee Connell, Don Carney. Roger Wagner standing (wearing ballcap). Photo by Anita Smith

Friday night at Johnny’s rocked! No stairs to climb this time as classmates visited and consumed sliders and pizza and drinks of their choice. The biggest surprise of the evening was the appearance of Jerry Cunningham. Most of us haven’t seen him since we graduated in 1956. Members of other classes also stopped by for a visit. All in all, it was
a great time for catching up with classmates.

Saturday’s event started off with a buffet which seemed popular with everyone: salad, beef, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn
muffins and more plus cherry crisp for desert.
Let’s just say that $20 was a great deal for two days’ worth of food and fun! Fred Deay provided photo name tags and after Bob Lockwood welcomed classmates and made a few announcements, his music manager, Brian Cooper, played “The Class of ’56 had its Dreams.”

Then I gave a short talk “An Interactive Walk Down Memory Lane” with books as prizes. Turns out that I remembered a lot more about high school than some classmates, causing me to ask at one point, “Are you sure you went to Lawrence High School?” So let me know: Do you remember Mr. Wherry utilizing the FFA boys to sod the grass at the new high school? And do you remember that they took off their shirts and put them on just as quickly when Mr. Wherry got wind of the half-naked boys? (Perhaps I remember because Ray was one of them and I had never seen him without a shirt. How exciting was that!)

Do you remember when we decided we didn’t like the cafeteria food and planned to all bring sack lunches on a certain day so the cafeteria would be stuck with all that icky food? It didn’t happen because someone squealed and Mr. Wherry said that anyone who planned to eat in the cafeteria had to pay a day in advance.

The late Barbara Hodgson and I may be the only classmates who kept unsharpened and unused the pencils Mr. Wherry personally gave as a Christmas present to each student by walking through every classroom. My pencil has a Santa and a scripture from the Bible printed on it as well as Merry Christmas from Mr. and Mrs. Neal M. Wherry.


This is Senior Spring a year later. Same exact book with a different title and cover. Do you think Miss Curry would have purchased this book for the library with this cover? Neither do i!

Something I didn’t mention because I just thought of it is the book titled Senior Spring that was in our school library. I know one girl other than I who remembers it because she checked it out and — although the term hadn’t been coined and doesn’t apply to books — it went viral and was handed from girl to girl until it was way overdue and the wait list was so long that when it finally came back to the library, Miss Curry read it and it was never again seen on the library shelves.

I just did a little research and found the book was published in 1954 under that title but published in paperback in 1955 under the title Kiss the Night Away with a salacious picture on the front and the words “Too young for Marriage — but not for love.” I’m sure you get the idea of the type of book it was. I can’t remember who passed the book on to me or to whom I gave it once I read it. I remember it as being racy but the only words I remember is that the girl decided to wear her sweater that was “yellow like chicken feathers.” Inciden-tally, that used paperback is available on Amazon for $4.95.

Please let me know if you remember any of these things. I fear those at the reunion may think I was making them up. Still, I managed to give away more than a dozen books.

I am including the Saturday program and the Lost Lions folders in PDF form which you may print if you wish. Out of our class of 217, we have lost 97 classmates that we know of and likely there are more of which we are unaware. Typing Ray’s name was hard; I honestly wish someone had been typing my name instead of me typing his.

HERE to download "1956 Program 66 for '56 Reunion". HERE to download "We Reember Our Lost Lions". Both are in PDF form.

Bob had planned to sing only one song titled “I’ll walk with you in the Sunshine.” It is a beautiful song and one for which he wrote both lyrics and music. It took some coaxing to persuade him to sing three Elvis songs. (Harry Miller: it’s hard to believe but just for that one day he appeared to transition back into that shy monkey on the high bar.) Thanks to Lillian Lockwood (Bob’s wife) we have three photos, and we are also grateful to Shirley Freeman (Larry’s wife) for videos of three of Bob’s songs.

The “66 for 56” reunion is likely our last, however, if you live far away and happen to be in Lawrence, let us know and we will try to get a small group of classmates to join you at a restaurant for lunch. We did that with Stu and Anita Smith three years ago and it worked out great. There were only eight classmates and a couple of spouses in attendance but we had a lot of fun and even took a photo of the classmates to prove it. Of those eight, only five are left. See how important it is to get together with classmates when the opportunity arises?

We are considering resuming The Lion’s Tale newsletter we once sent out as long as our funds hold out and provided classmates will contribute tales of what they are doing. We believe our class was exceptional . . . and still is!

—Marsha Henry Goff



"66 for '56 Reunion Photos

Anita Smith, Larry Freeman, Shirley Freeman, Gale Cawley, Sue Smith Pearson. Photo by Fred Deay

Clockwise from left: Jessse Newman, Sharon Ward Lockwood Newell, Marsha Henry Goff, Park Lockwood. Photo by Fred Deay

Clockwise from left: Larry Freeman, Shirley Freeman, Gale Cawley, Raymond Pippert, Sue Smith Pearson. Photo by Anita Smith

By table: Shirley Freeman, Gale Cawley; Stu Smith, Beverly Bookwalter, Buddy Bookwalter, Daryl Beene; Joanne Carney Connell, Lee Connell, Don Carney. Photo by Fred Deay

Clockwise from left: Bob Lockwood, Kennith Whaley, Wanda Whaley, Beverly Gardner (partially obscured), Ralph Leary. Photo by Fred Deay

Clockwise from left: Raymond Pippert, Monte Person, Fred Deay, Betty Redford Pippert. Photo by Anita Smith

Stu Smith and Allan Combs. Photo by Anita Smith

James Coombs, Stu Smith, Allan Coombs (back to camera). Photo by Anita Smith

From left: Roger Scott, Beverly Bookwalter, Mary Scott, Buddy Bookwalter, Daryl Beene.
Photo by Anita Smith

From left: Buddy Bookwalter, Joanne Carney Connell, Sue Squires Midyett, Julie Harner Hammond, Lee Connell, Don Carney. Photo by Anita Smith

Lanny Snodgrass and Bob Lockwood. Photo by Lillian Lockwood

Betty Pippert and Bob Lockwood. Photo by Lillian Lockwood


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Video From Class of '56's 60th Reunion

You must be a member of the Class of '56's Facebook Group to view the video.

To Join the Class of '56's Facebook Group page:

From your Facebook page search for the "Lawrence High School Class of 1956" group page, open it and click on "Join". Your request goes to the group Administrator who will OK your request. Group members will be able to view messages posted to the page, post photos and add comments AND view video from the 60th Reunion's Saturday's event..

If you have difficulties in finding this page, please send an email to ruth@humphreyfam.com.


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