May 2011


Ed Schwartz


Will and Ruthie Pippert Owens


Enice Foster Lee

April 2011


David Paul



If you have information for "On the Go" please send via email to Kendall Wolf at

Ed Schwartz

Egypt called Ed Schwartz, and his wife, Ruth, last November.  They travelled with a small group and were able to visit schools, farms, businesses and were able to talk openly about politics and economics.  As expected, they loved going down the Nile, marvelling at how the pryamids were constructed over 5000 years ago.  At no time, Ed reports, did they sense the tension and unrest that manifested shortly after they left.

Will and Ruthie Pippert Owens...

...spent Christmas time in Holland visiting their son and his family.  Here's Ruthie's account:

Our son Michael was on Sabbatical this past year teaching and learning from Doctors in Amsterdam as well as sharing information with Doctors in his specialty in France, Germany, and Belgium.  Will and I have been in Europe in the Summer and Spring but never around Christmastime until now. It was a delightful time to be there with our son and his family.  We had fun seeing our three little grandchildren engaged in the native custom of welcoming Sinter Klaas from Spain on a boat with his ever watching Peds. The costumed Peds were everywhere in museums, restaurants, on the streets, store and even our homes-----we know because of all the special Ped cookies and cakes strewn about and overturned furniture on several occasions.  But Sinter Klaas likes to be home in Spain for his birthday so leaves the Netherlands the same time each year. On the night before Sinter Klaas left after his two week visit he learned from his eyes and ears the Peds if the boys and girls had been good or bad.  He came into our home through windows and thank goodness left the children lovely gifts instead of coal and sticks in the children’s shoes like many artists showed in the museums. Magically, the whole town that went all out for Sinter Klaas was transformed almost overnight into a beautiful city ready for Christmas with Santas , Christmas Trees, and bright lights everywhere!  The Christmas Markets are so popular there as in many other parts of Europe bringing lots of cruises and tours that time of year.  It was simply gorgeous in Amsterdam with all 1000 bridges over the 100 canals outlined with Christmas lights and reflecting in the water.  The Plazas or Squares as they call them were certainly gathering places with their highly decorated wooden chalets serving hot Belgium Chocolate, fancy pastries, and freshly made waffles and donuts.

The Netherlands like much of Europe takes one back in time and its quaint Architecture and culture is well preserved. The Museums are fabulous, especially the famous Rijks, Van Gogh, and Anne Frank’s House that are well worth spending time in. Will and I baby-sat while Michael took his wife Robin to Paris for some R&R and we loved taking and picking up the oldest grandchild to International School and the middle one to preschool.  Robin took all three on her bike with a large cart in front. Michael who loved being home with the family so much of the time took the two to school on his bike, but I was not confident enough  to maneuver around  on all the bridges and dodging all the cars and hundreds of other bikes with such precious cargo so I used the tram.  The schools are amazing and teach World History in second grade that we learn in the US in High School.  That left a lot of quality time with the two year old riding the canals in boats and visiting the unique toy stores where nothing needs a battery!  We visited working windmills in the countryside where they still make chalk, cheese, and paint, we took train rides with the family, and spent time in many neighborhood pubs with cozy fireplaces. Although we has some snow when all the swans gathered where there was no ice on the canals, the weather was surprisingly nice with only one rainy day and lots of warm sunshine by 10 each morning.  As our kids left for Switzerland to ski the Alps (even the 7 year old skied the blacks), Will and I left for sunny, warm Spain with its Palm trees.

Now we will be leaving soon for our summer  “home” in Portland, Oregon  since the kids are back in the USA. We spend a lot of time there to be close to the grandchildren and it is a beautiful place to be as Portland is only an hour away from the Pacific Ocean and an hour away from the Cascade Mountains. Not a bad way to spend a summer!

Enice Foster Lee...

... and husband, Ho Soo, had planned a trip to Korea early this year, but their family members all came to the U.S. instead.  They had a wonderful visit, and the Korean visitors also had a chance to visit friends in Texas and California as well.  I imagine it is difficult to have family so far away, but Eunice is thankful for all the modern technology as they can talk to and see the family member even though they are thousands of miles away.  She reports that they are considering a trip to South Korea in February of 2012, but it's just in the discussion stage at this time. 

David Paul...

...and his wife, Susan, took a trip to San Diego to visit a cousin. After enjoying the sights of SD, they went "to the Napa wine country and were also mightily impressed there. It is remarkably beautiful and, of course, the wineries are plentiful, way more than we had imagined—most of which we had never heard of...we went wine tasting at as many vineyards as we had time for in the three days we were there and I can safely say I was tasted out by the time we finished...after a while, they all begin to taste the same and the whole adventure just loses its appeal. At least it did for us; we're just not oenophile enough to appreciate the complexities of the wine industry. Two-buck Chuck works for us. After Napa, Susan and I went to Yosemite National Park for a couple of days. All I can say about Yosemite is WOW! You just can't take enough pictures to capture the grandeur of the place. Yeah, I know; Ansel Adams gave it his best shot and did a marvelous job, but ya gotta be there. It truly is breath-taking."